jw news 2017
JoinedTopics Started by jw news 2017
Canadian Constitution Foundation granted intervener status in Supreme Court freedom of association case
by jw news 2017 inhttp://www.wireservice.ca/index.php?module=news&func=display&sid=21781.
"media release: canadian constitution foundation granted intervener status in supreme court freedom of association case.
today, the supreme court of canada granted the ccf's motion to intervene in a case that will have profound implications for all private civil society organizations, and particularly religious congregations... .
Opportunity for ex JW survivors of abuse, in America and Australia, to tell their story to the media
by jw news 2017 inhttps://youtu.be/ajczex6g-gm.
for *american* exjws who have a story of child sexual abuse to share, email reporter milana vinn at abc news in ny, [email protected] ".
An opportunity for ex Jehovah's Witnesses survivors of domestic violence, to tell their story to the media
by jw news 2017 infor *australian* exjws who have stories of domestic violence, use email in this story to share.
An opportunity for ex Jehovah's Witnesses survivors of domestic violence, to tell their story to the media
by jw news 2017 infor *australian* exjws who have stories of domestic violence, use email in this story to share.
(link: http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-18/shattering-silence-surviving-domestic-violence-in-church/8788902) .
An opportunity for ex Jehovah's Witnesses survivors of domestic violence, to tell their story to the media
by jw news 2017 infor *australian* exjws who have stories of domestic violence, use email in this story to share.
(link: http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-18/shattering-silence-surviving-domestic-violence-in-church/8788902) mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-1.
Apostasy ~ The film, set in the Jehovah’s Witnesses community
by jw news 2017 inhttp://variety.com/2017/film/news/cornerstone-films-worldwide-sales-jehovahs-witness-film-apostasy-1202536715/.
cornerstone films takes worldwide sales on jehovah’s witness film ‘apostasy’.
Jehovah's Witnesses and their claim to be the best
by jw news 2017 inhttps://youtu.be/kcrmkwpo73w
"Telling Families to "Be Obedient" to Abusers, and Child Molestation Among Jehovah's Witnesses"
by jw news 2017 inhttps://youtu.be/g_v5qp7cqrk.